

Corporate responsibility and sustainable development

The environment, occupational health and safety, social responsibility and business ethics are therefore important components in our day-to-day work and long-term strategic planning. The ambition is to contribute to a better environment and to reduce climate impact, satisfy society´s requirements and expectations and generate business opportunities.

Download the Sustainability Report for indepth insights


Gislaved Gummi has a long serving commitment to working with quality issues and quality control. Total quality shall permeate all our acting and quality shall in all respects be an imperative demand for everyone in the company.

Quality is the conclusive factor of success for Gislaved Gummi. We shall keep high service and delivery assurance and strive for an efficient use of resources. We shall control our activities according to the Zero defect principle in order to deliver products corresponding to the customer’s expectations and demands. This is achieved through continuous improvement efforts focused on customer needs and improved efficiency of our processes.

Our products are often components involved in our customers’ final products. Consequently, our efforts are emphasized – at an early stage – in influencing the customer in order to reach the optimal score concerning function, quality and price.

The demands of the authorities (laws and regulations) must always be fulfilled.


As a global polymer specialist, Gislaved Gummi shall be among the leaders when it comes to environmental issues. We shall aim at an ecological sustainable development and thereby take responsibility for future environmental issues alongside with good financial operations.

As a part of HEXPOL we follow the Environmental Policy for the group.

Guiding Stars

Our progress is clearly communicated through the Global Reporting Initiative, which forms the foundation of our Sustainability Report and extends to separate climate-impact reports in accordance with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and in-line with the United Nations Global Compact.


sustainability stories

Our Sustainability contact

andreas ahrens

Andreas Rangel Ahrens

Sustainability Director